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Community at your Local Quilt Shop

Community at your Local Quilt Shop

This is actually something I think about very often.  I am often asked why I keep a shop when most of my business is on-line or at quilt shows.  Why do I keep it open?

Community - I feel so much more a part of a community with the shop.  We all try with Facebook groups and Zoom Meetings or Google Meets, but there is nothing like that face-to-face - I promise you would like me even more in person - I am a very genuine person - I cannot act to save my life! LOL

Your local quilt shop for many people is the guild they otherwise would not have. But what most people don't think about is the true community a local shop has - not just the quilt shop.

The local shop supports the local economy with taxes, hiring local people, supporting local teams and charities (like in February for us).  When we decorate our shop, it brightens the local community and brings smiles to many more than who visit our shop.

I know you cannot always get some things locally and that is ok.  Just visit your local shop too.  They are always there - or at least should be? 


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  • Jennifer Armentrout
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