Take a Guilt-Free Break from Sewing!

As passionate sewists, we often feel the need to constantly create, innovate, and complete our projects. However, there are times when life gets in the way, or our enthusiasm wanes, and the sewing machine gathers dust. Taking a break from sewing is not only okay but can also be incredibly beneficial. Here’s why you should embrace these breaks guilt-free and how to make the most of them.

Why Taking a Break is Beneficial

1. Avoiding Burnout: Constantly pushing yourself to sew without taking a break can lead to burnout. Over time, what was once a relaxing and enjoyable hobby can become a source of stress. A break can help you recharge and rediscover the joy in sewing.

2. Sparking Creativity: Stepping away from sewing can actually boost your creativity. When you take a break, you allow your mind to wander, explore new ideas, and gather inspiration from unexpected sources. Often, you’ll return to your sewing projects with a fresh perspective and renewed enthusiasm.

3. Maintaining Balance: Life is a juggling act, and sewing is just one part of it. Taking a break allows you to focus on other important aspects of your life, whether it’s spending time with family, pursuing other hobbies, or simply taking care of yourself. This balance is essential for overall well-being.

4. Learning New Skills: During your break, you might find time to learn new skills or techniques that indirectly benefit your sewing. Exploring other crafts, such as knitting, painting, or even cooking, can offer new insights and inspiration that can be applied to your sewing projects.

How to Embrace a Guilt-Free Break

1. Set Clear Boundaries: Decide upfront that you’re taking a break and set a timeframe. Whether it’s a week, a month, or even longer, having a clear boundary helps you commit to the break without feeling guilty.

2. Engage in Other Hobbies: Use this time to explore other interests. Engaging in different activities can provide a refreshing change of pace and prevent you from feeling guilty about not sewing. Plus, these new experiences can feed into your creative process when you return to sewing.

3. Reflect on Your Sewing Journey: Take this opportunity to reflect on your sewing journey. What projects have you enjoyed the most? What new skills have you learned? Reflecting on your progress can remind you of the joy sewing brings and why it’s okay to take a step back occasionally.

4. Stay Connected with the Community: Even if you’re not actively sewing, staying connected with the sewing community can keep you inspired. Follow sewing blogs, watch tutorials, or participate in online forums. This way, you’re still engaged and can jump back in when you’re ready.

5. Organize Your Space: Sometimes, a cluttered workspace can be a deterrent. Use your break to tidy up and reorganize your sewing area. A clean, organized space can make you feel more excited to return to sewing.

6. Be Kind to Yourself: Remind yourself that it’s perfectly okay to take a break. Everyone needs time to rest and rejuvenate. Being kind to yourself and acknowledging your need for a break is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with your sewing hobby.

Taking a guilt-free break from sewing is not only okay but necessary for maintaining your passion and creativity. By recognizing the benefits of taking a break and embracing it fully, you’ll return to your sewing projects feeling refreshed, inspired, and more enthusiastic than ever. Remember, sewing is meant to be a joyful and fulfilling hobby, so give yourself permission to take a break and come back when you’re ready. Happy sewing!
Jennifer Armentrout


After Beryl, I was on a forced break, and when the power finally came back on, I didn’t want to do anything but enjoy the a/c. Then I started feeling guilty about not sewing and pushed myself up the stairs. Mistake after mistake, seam rip after seam rip- I knew I needed the break. Nobody should feel guilty about taking a break from their hobby. Now I’m ready to go again!
Great article!

— Marge