On our normal Saturday Live Show - we talked with Patty Roebuck our shop longarmer about tips for beginner Longarmers.

We had a great time and everyone seems very excited to get classes going!  We can hardly wait either.

Here is our Live Show on You Tube - https://youtu.be/-bWNWe7bxVk

So, a quick synopsis of her 7 tips

1. Always measure your quilt top, batting and backing - ALWAYS!

2. Basic Floating - Top is laid on top of batting and batting is laid on top of backing with nothing securing it - Just Say NO!

3. Partial Floating - Patty Recommends this!  Baste both sides of the top to the batting and backing and pin bottom.  This is here style - watch video for details.

4. Full Attachment - Opposite of a Basic Float.  Everything is attached and most likely the way you were taught when you purchased the machine.  It is a way to keep the fabrics straight, but Patty prefers the Partial Float.

5. Use Red Rods - they are worth the investment

6. Roll three times - when placing backing on frame roll.  This is a must watch to understand.

7. USE side clips - roll three time and use side clips.  Save yourself the puckers.

Bonus - It is a simple machine, and expensive one, but simple.  Get to know your machine.

Know your threads too!  Patty Recommends Glide Threads - so do we!

We have a large selection of Glide threads and it is getting bigger all the time!

Let us know if you have any question or would like Patty to come talk again!

Jennifer Armentrout