Here at Threaded Lines, we just LOVE Jaybird.  Really, with 2 rulers,  you can make an endless variety of blocks, quilts, and so much more!  No Y-seams, but it looks like you did! 

Of Course, Tula Pink introduced us to Julie's work, just like most of you have and we never looked back.

Our Expansion and Renovation has kept us busy for a couple of months, but don't think we have forgotten about her sew-alongs for 2023.

First up - The Temperature Quilt

Sign-Ups are through Jaybird, we are just joining the fun.

The Basics:  You keep track of the highs and lows of each day and build a quilt via colorful fabrics of specific temperature driven colors to end the year with a colorful reminder of the seasons.

Hand holding a strip of fabric

When you join, you get all the tracking sheets and guides for 4 sizes of quilts.

How are we involved - other than sponsoring, we are making our own Temperature Quilt!  So, each month, follow along with us and you will see our progress!

 BONUS:  We can help you pick your fabrics - either solids, Grunge or anything else!  You can get a curated bundle of fabrics to complete this Temperature Quilt!  Woo-hoo!  Just send me an email

Second Up - Alphabet Soup

There is going to be a Sew Along, the Jaybird Crew is just trying to get it together.

What Alphabet Soup is all about - this is Julie's version of pieced letters (no applique) using her rulers.  Very cool lettering and our imagination is running wild!

Julie had a mini sew along in October for the word Joy.

So, hopefully you sewed along, if not, that is ok, we have plenty of books available for Alphabet Soup.

What we are doing here at Threaded Lines Quilt shop, is choosing our words.
Several years ago, I heard about the Word of the Year and did a deep dive into my thoughts to really come up with one word that expressed my feelings, my goals, my aspirations...

I did have one word that year though and I cut the letters out of some really awesome paper and displayed them above the doorway where I looked daily.

However, I discovered that as the year progressed, I thought of other words that I "should" have picked or wanted to display.  Not that the one word was no longer apparent, but I needed more words!

Honestly, I did not do another year, but when I heard about a Sew Along for Pieced Letters, a light bulb appeared over my head!

Let's do a Year Sew Along for our Words of the Year - great thing about it - you can change mid-year. 

We will start ours when Julie announces.  But for now - what are your words?

I am starting to think about it

  • Gratitude
  • Strength
  • Peace
  • Reverie

Just getting started in putting all my words in the soup to see what will come out first. 

If you had to pick one word?  What would it be?

Jennifer Armentrout


My 2022 Word is RISE! I have a James Avery necklace with wings that I’ve worn all year as a reminder. I love this quilted word idea! My work for 2023 is going to be STRONG! I’m in for both of these sew alongs, and I’ll get with you on kits.

— Leigh Ann

My word would be Resilience

— Susanne Walters